Sunday, November 13, 2011

The Inequality Map

My daughter shared with me an interesting article from the New York Times that one of her friends posted on Facebook.  I love having smart children with smart friends.   You can read the whole article here.  Its called "The Inequality Map".  The Sociology teacher in me loves this kind of stuff.  

Here are some highlights:

America is full of inequalities.  How can I tell which kinds are socially acceptable?

  • Fitness inequality is acceptable. It is perfectly fine to wear tight workout sweats to show the world that pilates have given you buns of steel. These sorts of displays are welcomed as evidence of your commendable self-discipline and reproductive merit.  
  • Moral fitness inequality is unacceptable. It is out of bounds to boast of your superior chastity, integrity, honor or honesty. Instead, one must respect the fact that we are all morally equal, though our behavior and ethical tastes may differ.
  • Income inequality is acceptable. If you are a star baseball player, it is socially acceptable to sell your services for $25 million per year (after all, you have to do what’s best for your family). If you are a star C.E.O., it’s no longer quite polite to receive an $18 million compensation package, but everybody who can still does it  
  • Spending inequality is less acceptable. If you make $1 billion, it helps to go to work in jeans and black T-shirts. It helps to live in Omaha and eat in diners. If you make $200,000 a year, it is acceptable to spend money on any room previously used by servants, like the kitchen, but it is vulgar to spend on any adult toy that might give superficial pleasure, like a Maserati. 
  • Technological inequality is acceptable. If you are the sort of person who understands the latest hardware and software advances, who knows the latest apps, it is acceptable to lord your superior connoisseurship over the aged relics who do not understand these things.
  • Cultural inequality is unacceptable. If you are the sort of person who attends opera or enjoys Ibsen plays, it is not acceptable to believe that you have a more refined sensibility than people who like Lady Gaga, Ke$ha or graffiti.
  • Jock inequality is unacceptable if your kid is an average performer on his or her youth soccer team. If your kid is a star, then his or her accomplishments validate your entire existence. 

  • Vocation inequality is acceptable so long as you don’t talk about it. Surgeons have more prestige than valet parkers, but we do not acknowledge this. On the other hand, ethnic inequality — believing one group is better than another — is unacceptable (this is one of our culture’s highest achievements).  

So, what do you think?  Anything here bother you?  Interest you?  Notice any other interesting contradictions in American culture lately?  I'd love to hear about them.

LESSON LEARNING:  Be careful.  Equality is a touchy subject.  As much as we might shout about it from the rooftops, most of us still have our own prejudices. 

And don't forget to check out the original article here.

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